TORIDOLL Group’s fundamental policies on compliance are the Corporation Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct. Compliance is a major premise of business activities, and we conduct ongoing education and training of officers and employees and have established structures to ensure compliance not just with laws and provisions, but also higher ethical standards.
Toridoll Holdings has established a Compliance Committee as a subordinate organization of the Risk Management Committee to discuss compliance issues within the group, formulate compliance programs, and manage progress.
In addition, the Compliance Committee is comprised of three independent outside directors who are also audit and supervisory committee members, and they work to ensure thorough compliance and improve the compliance system by obtaining advice based on their specialized knowledge.
The TORIDOL Group has created a "Compliance Handbook" as a guidebook to thoroughly inform employees about matters with high compliance risks. The Compliance Handbook also contains the contents of the TORIDOL Corporate Ethics Charter and the TORIDOL Code of Conduct, and is used in compliance education and training for executives and employees.
In addition, we periodically check whether the contents of the Corporate Ethics Charter and Toridoll's Code of Conduct are being widely put into practice through reports to the Board of Directors from the Risk Management Committee, a subordinate body of the Board of Directors.
The Toridoll Group has established "Internal Reporting Regulations" in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act. We have set up an internal reporting hotline in the Internal Audit Department and have established a system for the early detection, investigation, and correction of misconduct. The "Internal Reporting Regulations" also stipulate that the contents of reports will be kept confidential, that the whistleblower will not be treated disadvantageously, and that any information that identifies an individual will be kept confidential.
We accept internal reports by telephone, email, in writing, in person, or via a web form (external contact point), and organize an investigative team depending on the case. We accept reports not only from our Group employees, but also from our business partners.
Depending on the case, the external contact point may also report directly to our Audit and Supervisory Committee.
In 2023, there were 48 internal reports and 12 direct reports to external offices. We verified the facts of the reports and, if necessary, took action to improve the situation in accordance with the reports.
FY2017 | FY2018 | FY2019 | FY2020 | 2021 | Fiscal Year 2022 | 2023 | |
Number of whistleblowing reports made | 46 | 56 | 33 | 31 | 47 | 54 | 48 |
The Toridoll Group believes that respect for human rights is the foundation of all business activities, and based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we have established our commitment to respecting human rights in the Toridoll Group Human Rights Policy and are working to ensure that this policy is widely known.
In addition, in order to respect human rights and prevent harassment in the workplace, we have established consultation desks such as the "Mental and Physical Consultation Desk" run by the Human Resources Department and the "Labor Issues Consultation Desk" run by the labor union to accept consultations, and we also provide education and training on harassment for executives and employees. In August 2023, we announced the following "Harassment Prevention Declaration" and opened a "Harassment Desk" in addition to the above desks.
Harassment Prevention Declaration
Harassment is a violation of human rights that seriously damages the individuality and personality of each individual. It also prevents employees from effectively demonstrating their abilities, and for the company, it can be a factor that worsens the internal environment by disrupting order in the workplace and business execution, and is a problem that affects social evaluations.
In accordance with the Toridoll Code of Conduct, we do not tolerate any form of harassment and will take the following steps to ensure that all individuals are respected and that good human relationships are built on mutual trust.
- We aim to create an organization in which all employees, regardless of rank or position, respect each other as individuals, recognize diverse personalities and values, and can effectively utilize their respective capabilities.
- We will work together with our employees to raise awareness of harassment and how to prevent it, and to create an organization where any form of harassment does not occur.
- We will establish a system where anyone can seek advice with peace of mind, and if harassment occurs, we will take fair and appropriate measures and establish a system and structure to prevent recurrence.
In cases where TORIDOLL Group supports the activities of political organizations or makes political contributions, we comply with the laws and regulations of each country, make reference to the TORIDOLL Code of Conduct, and take into consideration our position in society. We do not engage in lobbying or other such activities.
The Toridoll Group has formulated the "Prevention of Bribery of Public Officials" to clearly prohibit bribery and corruption by its officers and employees.
Additionally, some overseas subsidiaries have staff who specialize in matters related to local laws and regulations, and they adhere to and promote fair trading practices.
We provide education on anti-bribery as part of the pre-assignment training for employees assigned overseas, and ensure that all employees are fully aware of and comply with anti-bribery laws.
In the area of tax compliance, the TORIDOLL Group places the highest priority on complying with the tax laws and regulations of each country. In order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility through appropriate tax payment, we are constantly working to instill awareness among all TORIDOLL Group companies and their employees and to establish and operate an appropriate tax compliance system.
We believe that proper and transparent tax management and appropriate tax payment in accordance with the tax systems of each country can contribute to the economic and social development of each country, and lead to benefits for various stakeholders.
In order for the tax governance to function properly, the Toridoll Group strives to instill awareness of tax compliance among all employees under the active involvement and guidance of top management, and to ensure highly transparent tax operations. We recognize that it is important to
For this reason, the Toridoll Group has formulated and operates the "Basic Policy Manual for Internal Controls Related to Financial Reporting" in order to achieve proper financial reporting in accordance with our basic tax policy. The policy stipulates the roles and responsibilities related to financial reporting as follows:
Representative Director, President and Chief Financial Officer
As the person responsible for the design, operation and evaluation of internal controls related to financial reporting, report the status of the design and operation of internal controls to the Board of Directors, the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the audit firm in a timely manner.
Directors and Audit and Supervisory Committee
Oversees, monitors, and verifies the development and operation of internal controls related to financial reporting.
Internal Audit Office
Evaluate the status of development and operation of internal controls related to financial reporting, and encourage improvements as necessary.
For transactions where the interpretation of tax matters in each country or region is unclear, we endeavor to clarify how to handle them by thoroughly examining the matter with the assistance of our tax accountants.
Furthermore, by submitting tax information to the tax authorities in a timely and appropriate manner and making advance inquiries as necessary, we strive to increase the transparency of our tax processing, build sincere and good relationships of trust with the tax authorities, and reduce tax risks.
Furthermore, if any difference of opinion arises between us and the tax authorities, we will actively engage in dialogue and endeavor to resolve it in a sincere manner.
[This page was last updated on September 20, 2024] The figures are for fiscal year 2023, but some of the initiatives include information for fiscal year 2024.