The TORIDOLL Group has formulated the TORIDOLL Group Sustainability Basic Policy in order to contirbute to the resolution of social issues through our business and realize a sustainable society. The Group is promoting initiatives based on this policy and the TORIDOLL Code of Conduct.
Under our motto of “Delivering passion for food around the world,” the TORIDOLL Group wants to continuously create new value and excitement through dialogue and collaboration with our customers, employees, and all of our stakeholders to in turn realize a sustainable society.
As part of our endeavors, we want to promote practical grassroots activities with a global mindset while holding ourselves to high ethical standards and honest business practices.
The Toridoll Group has established the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the President and Representative Director, and is composed of directors, executive officers, division heads of holdings, presidents of domestic subsidiaries, and division heads of overseas subsidiaries. The committee functions as a company-wide cross-organizational organization to respond to a wide range of management issues such as environmental and social issues. We monitor and evaluate progress.
In addition, we have established the Sustainability Promotion Department, which reports directly to the President and CEO, and operates the Risk Management Committee, Work Style Reform Committee, Environment Committee, etc., and promotes company-wide sustainability activities.
The TORIDOLL Group operates on a global scale and faces a wide range of social issues, making it necessary to prioritize certain issues in the interest of effectively carrying out business activities. Which is why we set issues that greatly affect society and impact our company as our ESG materialities (key issues) in March 2022. We’re also setting KPIs and measuring progress so that each employee can become more involved with these topics.
We will review our ESG materialities on a regular basis in accordance with shifts in society.
Employees: 70% or less Partner staff: 50% or less
*Employees: Number of people leaving the company for less than 3 years/Number of people leaving the company, Partner staff: Number of people leaving the company for less than 6 months/Number of people leaving the company
We took an extensive inventory of social issues with reference to international guidelines and frameworks such as the GRI Standards, SDGs, ISO 26000, and the UN Global Compact. In addition, 18 Group executives and department heads held meetings to identify issues that were sector or company specific and then selected potential materialities.
We spoke with external experts, the younger generation, customers, and employees regarding potential materialities to verify their respective relevance and any possible concerns.
Tetsuyuki Kagaya, Professor (Faculty of Commerce and Management), Hitotsubashi University
Takanobu Suehiro, former Dept. Manager, Sustainable Business Promotion Office, Wholesale Division, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Komazawa University Students (younger generation / customers)
Employees (store and HQ staff)
Professor (Faculty of Commerce and Management), Hitotsubashi University
Tetsuyuki Kagaya
I think TORIDOLL Group can successfully share Japanese food with the world. They could become a leader in reducing hunger and food loss, in addition to making great food.
Human resource training is extremely important, especially in the service industry where employees directly serve customers. They can naturally attract talent by setting up favorable working conditions.
While it’s said that Japanese companies are not good at accepting differences in foreign cultures and lifestyles, the TORIDOLL Group employs many foreign nationals, and I feel that this will be a great strength.
Responding to climate change is crucial in light of securing foodstuffs through the supply chain. Since climate change is tied to a variety of other environmental issues, such as water and energy, I would also like to see them disclose how they plan on tackling these issues.
Employee Roundtables
Two roundtable discussions were held with store staff and TORIDOLL HQ staff. The participants discussed ESG issues that the TORIDOLL Group should address, as well as ideas for medium- and long-term business improvements.
Reexamine the Hypotheses
The Sustainability Promotion Committee Secretariat reviewed the results from previous actions taken to address the materialities and held further discussions with Group executives and division heads. Priority levels were assigned based on a comprehensive evaluation of inputs from internal and external stakeholders.
Finalized by the Management
Important issues that are judged to greatly affect society and / or impact the company weredecided by the Board of Directors.
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are 17 goals and 169 targets that the world adopted in 2015 with the aim of realizing a world where "no one is left behind."
The TORIDOLL Group's slogan is "Fill the planet with the excitement of food," and we believe that in order to provide the world with the excitement of food, it is important to contribute to solving social issues through our business. Therefore, we have organized the relationship between the TORIDOLL Group's ESG materiality (important issues) and the SDGs based on the SDG Compass and "Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards," and are integrating these with our materiality activities to promote our initiatives.
In August 2020, the TORIDOLL Group signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC) proposed by the United Nations and joined the local network Global Compact Network Japan. Our Group is the first Japanese restaurant company to join the UNGC.
The UNGC is a voluntary initiative in which each company and organization participates in the creation of a global framework for sustainable growth by leading as model members of society through responsible and creative leadership.
We uphold “The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact,” which addresses the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and we are conducting sustainable grassroots activities with a global mindset in accordance with our motto of “Delivering passion for food around the world.”
Principle 1
Support and Respect for Human Rights
Principle 2
Noncomplicity in human rights violations
Principle 3
Freedom of Association and Recognition of the Right to Collective Bargaining
Principle 4
Elimination of forced labor
Principle 5
Effective abolition of child labor
Principle 6
Employment and occupational discrimination
Principle 7
A precautionary approach to environmental problems
Principle 8
Environmental Responsibility Initiative
Principle 9
Development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technology
Principle 10
Anti-corruption efforts in all forms, including extortion and bribery
The Toridoll Group is a company that supplies food to people around the world, with natural resources at the core of its business.
For this reason, the Group attaches great importance to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which was the final report of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) established by the G20 Financial Stability Board (FSB) in 2017. We are promoting information disclosure in accordance with the recommendations. In October 2022, we announced our support for the TCFD and are participating in the TCFD Consortium.
For this specific initiative, we will conduct a detailed analysis of climate change scenarios in FY2022. We will sequentially identify business risks and opportunities, consider countermeasures, and review indicators and targets.
TORIDOLL Group is in the food business, and thus, a member of external organizations mainly focused on food and services.
・Association of Consumer Affairs Professionals (ACAP)
・Japan Food Service Association (JF)
・The Research Society of Food Service Industry’s Customer Relations Division
・Asian Food Business Association
・Organization to Promote Japanese Restaurants Abroad
・Japan Audit & Supervisory Board Members Association
・The Association of Corporate Legal Departments